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Since 1996 we have specialised in the design of environments for children and adults with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) and other learning difficulties.  Our expertise embraces the design of residential and educational buildings as well as respite centres for new builds and refurbishments. Providers of care and education for children and adults with ASD and other learning difficulties do not always have access to designers who are experienced in this specialist field. Furthermore, there has been a lack of recognition of the fact that a well-designed building can be influential in the lives of those that are coping with a disability and their carers. We can assist clients in the preparation of a brief so that the right building or refurbishment can be delivered at the right cost.

The key elements are design and management; design to ensure that the building will be a good place in which to live or work and management to make sure that the brief and cost are compatible and that the client is exposed to the minimum of risks between commissioning and completion. We will always prepare a feedback study after the building has been occupied for six months. This provides the client with useful information concerning maintenance and cleaning issues as well as monitoring the building’s performance in more general terms.


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MA , PGDip

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Architect, MSc, RIBA, MCIArb

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Architect, BA (Hons), DipArch, MSc, RIBA

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Architect, Bsc, MSc, RIBA

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If you’ve got a proposal you’d like to discuss with us, we’re good listeners.

At ga architects, we’re always keen to donate our time, experience, expertise and creativity to a worthy cause.  We are committed to supporting a range of industry causes and local charities in the UK, Europe, and World. Each year we dedicate our time and expertise and commit to spending a percentage of our profit on charity.


Some of the good causes we have supported recently include:


NAS - The National Autistic Society  

is a British charity for people with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD), including autism and Asperger syndrome. The purpose of the organisation is to improve the lives of people with autism in the United Kingdom. In addition to a wide range of adult and children's services for people with autism located across England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, the charity has an Autism Helpline open 5 days a week, a range of products for professionals working with autism and a campaigning function.


ActionAid UK

is an international non-governmental organization whose primary aim is to work against poverty and injustice worldwide. ActionAid is a federation of 45 country offices that works with communities, often via local partner organisations, on a range of development issues.  The primary focus being is providing children with an education, further the human rights for all, assisting people that are in poverty, assisting those who face discrimination, and also assist people who face injustice.


Cancer Research UK

is a cancer research and awareness charity in the United Kingdom, its aim is to reduce the number of deaths from cancer. As the world's largest independent cancer research charity it conducts research into the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the disease. 



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